Avicenna Mobile App

Researcher and UI/UX designer
Mobile Application
two Months

Project Overview

AvicennaResearch is a comprehensive research platform adhering to GCP standards. Avicenna has a mobile application for participants to check and respond to surveys or other study-related activities they are enrolled in. As the product designer, I assessed the application across different devices and its desktop version, documenting its strengths and weaknesses.

Design Challenge

How might we improve the participants’ experience without adding new features?


  • Lead the redesign effort
  • Conduct Competitive Analysis
  • Design user flows
  • Design the UI/UX

Overview of the Steps: Discovery > Empathy > Design > Evaluation


Design Challenges and Project Scope 

In this phase, I aimed to understand the design challenges and project scope, identifying key stakeholders and relevant technologies.

  • Interviewed developers to understand backend management and interdependencies.
  • Ensured the redesign would not introduce new features.
  • The redesign should include the main sections of the app, not activities, and survey UI design.


To better understand users’ current pain points, I reviewed support tickets related to app issues and checked user comments on app stores.


  • Collect feedback from marketing and support teams regarding customer concerns.
  • By categorizing and clustering related insights, the affinity diagram served as a visual representation of key findings.
  • Conducted competitor analysis and mapped the current app flow.

Insights from the Empathy Phase:

  • The primary issue was app speed.
  • Difficulties were observed in the joining process.
  • The UI design was not appealing, leading to the loss of a contract with a famous organization targeting teenagers.


To kickstart the ideation phase for redesigning the flow, I took the following steps:

  • Revisited my competitive analysis and reviewed app designs.
  • Sketched my ideas on tablet using the Crazy 8 method.
  • Selected promising ideas and added details to present to the team during our weekly meetings.
  • Explored various methods for study enrollment and designed a streamlined flow.

Review and Refinement

  • Held a review and brainstorming meeting with the CEO, marketing, and development teams.
  • Revised sketches based on feedback from the meeting.
  • Designed high-fidelity wireframes reflecting the refined concept.
  • Presented the wireframes to the CEO and product team for final approval.


UI Design

Started detailed designing in Figma.


Results and Impact

  • Created a prototype in Figma and shared the link with my teammates, resulting in a 90% satisfaction rate.
  • Also shared a document with all other teams for additional ideas, which contributed to further enhancing the design.

